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Some of the world’s leading research institutes are using our cameras at their beamlines. Read about their research success stories.
Read how Simon Chung and colleagues investigated the shape and strain of palladium nanoparticles using a LAMBDA 750k camera.
Learn how the team around Peter Gaal found a way to control the time structure of the X-ray pulses at PETRA III (DESY, Germany), using a LAMBDA 750k camera.
Read about an experiment used to study the effects of atmospheric plasma etching on silver nanowires, conducted at PETRA III (DESY, Germany) with a LAMBDA 750k camera.
Read how the team around Hauke Marquardt used a LAMBDA 2M camera at PETRA III (DESY, Germany) to gain insight into the materials deep inside the Earth.
Read how the team around Andrea Amorese and Martin Sundermann experimentally determined the atomic orbitals of a transition metal using a LAMBDA 60k camera with Hydra design, set up at DESY (Germany).
Read how Alfred Larsson and his co-workers used a LAMBDA 750k camera set up at PETRA III (DESY, Germany) to study the properties of growing nanowires.
Read how Alba San José Méndez from DESY (Germany) and her team studied the transition between different forms of ice at extremely high pressures using a LAMBDA 2M camera.
Find out how Berit Zeller-Plumhoff and her team studied the bone tissue that formed around biodegradable implants at the nanoscale with the help of a LAMBDA 750k camera, using a setup at DESY (Germany).
Find out how Matthias Schwartzkopf from DESY (Germany) and his co-workers exploited the high acquisition speed of a LAMBDA 750k camera to study the formation of a gold nanolayer.
Learn more about how a Swedish-German collaboration unveiled the morphology of a lignin-based thermoset using a LAMBDA 4.5M camera.
Learn about a new X-ray microsocopy method that allows dose-efficient imaging of radiosensitive samples – using diffractive optics developed at DESY (Germany) and three photon-counting LAMBDA 750k cameras.
See how a research team led by the Sogang University (Korea) used a LAMBDA 750k camera to identify which sites of a metal nanoparticle are particularly active during catalysis.
Read how an international team from the University of California found out why LRLO battery voltage fades by looking at the nanoscale process with a LAMBDA 750k camera.
Read how DESY-researchers (Germany) tested their new lens design using a LAMBDA 750k camera.
Explore how the LAMBDA 750k camera enabled the team around Lara Frenzel and Felix Lehmkühler to study radiation-sensitive samples of a core-shell nanogel at the APS (Argonne, USA).
Learn which remarkable property of water Fivos Perakis from the University of Stockholm and his international team unveiled with the help of a LAMBDA 750k camera.
Read about a new method for the study of radiosensitive materials under an electron microscope, developed by Robert Bücker and colleagues and using an AMBER 750k prototype.
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